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Buddha's land temple Stupa


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photo,material,free,landscape,picture,stock photo,Creative Commons,Buddha's land temple Stupa, Chaitya, Bodhisattva, Buddhism, Buddha's bones

No.10926 Buddha's land temple Stupa

It is a world heritage of Gyeongju, the Buddhist reliquary of the Buddha's land temple. In the Buddha's land temple, erection begins by Oshiro who was a prime minister Kim for 751 years in the Christian era, and it is finished chaitya for 774 years in the Christian era.
World HeritageSeokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple
Camera: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III , Distagon 21mm F2,8
Location: Republic of Korea / Gyeongju
Season: Autumn
Size:3578 x 5345 Pixels

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